Tips on how to make dog treats and info on how to get started making homemade dog treats, even if you are just beginning to cook. While making dog treats is not really hard, the best part about making homemade dog treats is that dogs are very patient with you… Your dog will be right […]
foods harmful to dogs
Best Quality Dog Food
Giving your dog the best quality dog food will keep her healthy and her coat nice and shiny. Whether you buy high end specialty dog food with organic or natural ingredients, or make your own pet food from dog food recipes, your dog’s health will reflect your efforts–good or bad. So how can you make […]
Halloween Dog Safety
Dangerous foods for dogs are everywhere on Halloween. Because of this, Halloween dog safety is an issue in homes with children or when taking your dog out for Trick or Treat. Taking a few simple steps to limit what your dog eats, can keep her safe and healthy! You can be absolutely sure that your […]
Foods Harmful to Dogs
Many foods harmful to dogs seem safe to us, because they are healthy human foods. This makes it very easy to poison your dog unintentionally. The irony is that most people foods poisonous to dogs, are actually healthy snacks for us. Take walnuts, for example. Most of us know that the chocolate dessert you had for […]
Dogs and Chocolate
Combine dogs and chocolate and you are risking BIG trouble for your dog. The results can be serious, or even deadly! Every year around certain holidays, like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day, veterinarians see an increase in sick dogs who have eaten chocolate. These dog poisonings are mostly accidental, as many pet owners do not […]
Your Dog ate Chocolate – What Should you Do?
Your dog ate chocolate, and you know that can be an emergency. So what should you do first? The answer depends on the amount he ate, and the size of your dog… Most people already know that chocolate is toxic for dogs. You wouldn’t just hand your dog a chocolate bar—just like you wouldn’t give […]
Dog Salmonella Symptoms
Dog salmonella symptoms can mimic other dog illnesses, so it is important to be aware of dog food recalls and how to recognize salmonella in dogs. Dogs can get salmonella poisoning in a number of ways. However, the most common way that salmonella bacteria infects a dog is when the dog eats eggs or people […]
Soy Flour for Dogs
Health Food or Harmful? Is soy flour for dogs safe to use in homemade dog treats? The answer to that question has become more complicated in the last few years… Formerly believed to be a health food, mainly because of extensive marketing in the U.S., soy has reared its ugly head in the last few […]
Milk for Dogs
Good or Bad? Is milk for dogs good or bad? The answer is not simple, and a lot depends on your dog’s health and age. The truth is that veterinarians differ in their opinions about whether you should or should not feed milk to your dog. Arguments for Giving Milk to Dogs Nutritional experts who […]
Garlic for Dogs
Is Garlic Good or Bad for Dogs? The dogs and garlic controversy is confusing. Garlic for dogs is used in some commercial dog treats, yet you may have heard that garlic is bad for dogs! What is the real story? Is it safe for dogs, or will it cause harm? If you have been thinking […]