A Good Investment in Your Baking Future!
Kitchen tools for dog treats is one area that you should not skimp on, whether you are starting a pet bakery or just baking for your own dog. There are several good reasons for this.
Just as in any other business, investing in good tools and equipment will save you time, money in the long run, and lots of frustration.
Quality kitchen tools make baking a breeze, and, because you won’t have to keep replacing them, they are a good value—even if you have to pay a little more up front.
When equipment breaks in a business setting, down time costs money, because your production line comes to a halt, until the equipment is repaired or replaced
Having a quality heavy duty mixer like the Kitchenaid Artisan mixer will make your life a lot easier! The one at the left is the 3.5 quart mini model.
What are the Essential Tools You’ll Need?
Here’s a list of kitchen tools for dog treats that you may need:
Small Equipment
- Heavy duty mixer – You will need a heavy duty mixer to mix dough for your dog treats. Don’t try to use a hand mixer or regular household mixer, as you will quickly destroy it, from over-use.
- Bread machine – This makes life easier. With Natural Pet Bakery, I always had a couple of batches of dog treats going at once. If you’re going to spend the time for one batch, it doesn’t take much more time to make two!
- Dog Treat baker – Not absolutely essential, this is definitely a nicety to have! It helps you vary your dog treat baking and certainly makes things easy. Dog treat makers are not for mass production. They are used for making a few fresh dog treats at a time. Because they don’t come out brittle hard, if you want them to be hard, you will have to finish them off in the oven or your food dehydrator. These great little tools for kitchen are easy to use, and they are safe enough for the kids to use, as well (as long as you are in the vicinity).
- Dehydrator – You can make dog treats in your dehydrator and never even turn on the oven! A wonderful kitchen tool to add to your home.
Baking Pans for Dog Treats
- Double boiler – use this to melt carob or yogurt coating. Or use your microwave.
- Cookie sheets or baking sheets – You will need several to make your baking operation efficient. If you don’t have enough baking sheets, precious time will be wasted. Save time by loading the next round of cookie sheets while the first batch is baking.
- Cake pans and muffin pans – You can get some great shapes, both big and little. Do you want to make dog birthday cakes? Try a bone shaped cake pan. Or little energy bars? Use a mini muffin pan or a mini loaf pan.
Kitchen Tools for Cut out Dog Cookies
- Cookie Press – for making spritz cookies.
- Decorating kit – This often comes in a set, with different heads for decorating. Or, better yet, use disposable bags, so you don’t have to mess with cleaning the bag.
- Large cutting board or pastry board – to roll your dough on.
- Non-stick rolling Pin – to roll the dough.
Tools for Cutting out Treats
- Cookie Cutters – Most dog treat bakery owners make dog bones, so, at the very least, you’ll need dog bone cookie cutters. Your dog treats will be more interesting if you have some other cute shapes. Like most people who make treats for their dog, your first homemade dog treats were probably dog bones. As you get used to rolling the dough and cutting the bones out, you’ll want to expand your talents and bake other shapes using different dog treat cookie cutters.
- Pizza Cutter – If you are making dog biscuits, using a pizza cutter makes cutting the dog biscuits go quickly.
- Miscellaneous – doughnut cutter, biscuit cutter, apple corer. Depending on the dog treats that you decide to make, you may or may not need these.
Other Tools You Might Like
- Molds for frozen dog treats – When the weather gets hot outside, you’ll want to make a frozen dog treat or two for your panting and suffering heat-stricken dog. Two kinds of molds that work for frozen dog treats are candy molds and silicone dog treat molds.
Make Dog Treats Easy!
Tools for kitchen and gadgets for baking, simplify homemade dog treats, making them fun and easy, for even a beginning cook!
Just like any other project around the home, having the right baking tools makes all the difference between a slipshod job and a professional one!
It really doesn’t matter if you are a beginner dog treat baker or you are starting your own dog bakery. You still need the right tools for kitchen use, to make the job quicker and easier.
It’s a secret that professional chefs have kept for years—your kitchen tools and gadgets do half the job for you!
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