The Bakery Business Start-up Guide that is the Next Thing to a Mentor!
Give your dog bakery business start-up a jump start with the Bake a Bone pet treat business start-up guide.
You’ll have the advantage of time tested business techniques and the wisdom of pet industry experts who know what they are doing!
Even if you’ve never started a business before, Bake a Dog a Bone will show you how to get your share of the $65 billion pet industry—without reinventing the wheel!
Bake a Dog a Bone will easily guide you through
the process of starting your dog treat bakery.
Since I started and ran my own bakery, Natural Pet Bakery, a few years ago, I understand what goes into a pet bakery start-up, and what you need to do in order to keep it running successfully.
This guide will save you months of research and start-up time, and it will help you keep your dog bakery running smoothly—once the orders start rolling in!
Your Dog Treat Business Start-up
Bake a Dog a Bone will help you with:
- How to save $ on start-up costs – worth more than the cost of the guide, for this advice alone!
- Things you should NOT do, with your bakery business…
- The first thing you need to get started—and it isn’t dog treat recipes…
- The most important part of your business…
- The biggest mistake most people make when starting a dog bakery…
- How to get your very first sale…
- How to write a business plan…
- Which bakery dog treat recipes to use—you’ll have 150 recipes to choose from…
How to Keep your Business Growing
Of course there is more to having a successful dog bakery than starting it. You need to run it in a professional manner, make your customers happy, and keep the orders coming in!
While running a bakery business is not hard, you do need to pay attention to details, and you’ll need to have a system. Bake a Dog a Bone will help you with:
- Setting up your office—what you need and don’t need…
- A system for tracking and managing your inventory…
- How to get, and keep customers…
- If (and when) you should issue credit to customers…
- How to get paid—the money doesn’t just magically appear…
- How to track and fill orders efficiently…
- The BEST ways to market effectively…
Starting a dog bakery is not hard, but you do need to follow basic steps for starting a successful bakery business.
This affordable guide will give you a market advantage, and it will get your bakery started (and the money rolling in) months earlier! Don’t miss this opportunity!
Download your copy right now…
Take the time to get your copy now. If you follow the guide and use the tools it provides, you are almost guaranteed to succeed!
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