Dog vision, or what dogs see, is not the same as our vision, can vary from breed to breed, and you may be surprised to learn what a dog sees. Have you ever wondered what dogs see–exactly what your dog’s eyes are seeing? Do you know what your dog sees up close, and what she […]
Diabetic Dog Treats
Did you know that you can make diabetic dog treats for your dog with diabetes? Soon she will be able to enjoy delicious dog treats again! Some of my recipes call for unbleached flour. Since a diabetic dog diet should have whole grains whenever possible, simply substitute oat flour, whole wheat flour or barley flour […]
Your Dog ate Chocolate – What Should you Do?
Your dog ate chocolate, and you know that can be an emergency. So what should you do first? The answer depends on the amount he ate, and the size of your dog… Most people already know that chocolate is toxic for dogs. You wouldn’t just hand your dog a chocolate bar—just like you wouldn’t give […]
Dog Salmonella Symptoms
Dog salmonella symptoms can mimic other dog illnesses, so it is important to be aware of dog food recalls and how to recognize salmonella in dogs. Dogs can get salmonella poisoning in a number of ways. However, the most common way that salmonella bacteria infects a dog is when the dog eats eggs or people […]
White Dipping Chocolate for Dogs
White dipping chocolate, carob and yogurt coating and candy melts are used by dog bakeries to coat gourmet dog treats. There are pros and cons to each… When I started Natural Pet Bakery, I did a lot of research, looking for dog treat icing before I decided what I would use. Dogs can eat some sugar […]
Turmeric for Dogs
Is turmeric for dogs safe? Tumeric can be used as a natural food coloring in dog treats, but it also has health benefits for dogs that you may not know about! Turmeric gives home-made dog treats a deep yellow color. However, beyond food coloring, the herb can enhance your homemade dog treat recipes with spicy […]
Sunflower Seeds for Dogs
Use sunflower seeds for dogs in your homemade treat recipes. Providing plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals, these tasty seeds are a healthy dog treat ingredient. Sun flower seeds are an easy addition to your pet’s treats. But, even more, they are a tremendous nutritional addition. Sunflower seeds, contain 24% protein and they have a […]
Soy Flour for Dogs
Health Food or Harmful? Is soy flour for dogs safe to use in homemade dog treats? The answer to that question has become more complicated in the last few years… Formerly believed to be a health food, mainly because of extensive marketing in the U.S., soy has reared its ugly head in the last few […]
Rye Flour for Dogs
Using rye flour for dogs in your homemade dog treats is a way to vary your dog’s diet and add extra nutrition. Very low in gluten, but high in nutrition, rye is often used in commercial dog treats and dog food. Unlike many of the ancient grains and flours, rye only appeared on the scene […]
Rice for Dogs
Brown Rice and Rice Bran Try using rice for dogs in your dog treat recipes. Often used in dog food ingredients and dog treat ingredients, brown rice or rice bran can boost the nutrition of your homemade dog treats. Rice is a fair source of protein and a good source of vitamins and minerals. It […]